We're still enjoying living here, very much. Peter, and the marina staff have been extremely kind, in letting us stay on through the start of the boating season. We realise we're a 54ft floating steel problem for them, so we're trying to be as discreet as we can be, on our bigass boat.
If the sun comes out, so will a million boaters, all wanting to get on the river at the same time. Mayhem. So we're tucked away by the duck and swan feeding area, where we won't bother anyone. Having the 'general public' walking so close to the boat is also good practice for us, for when we are (eventually) out on the towpath. Sumo hasn't woofed at anybody yet. Though he always does when somebody taps on the roof. Good boy.
And, living underneath the crane, there's never a dull moment. This is what happened yesterday...

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