The journey to Guildford, and through the backside of it, was pleasant enough. Even though it rained all day, and the whiff from the water treatment works was quite... Well... "Whiffy".
A young gentleman of asiatic appearance called me a wanchor, from the safety of the road bridge. Which I found quite amusing. Had a dodgy moment at
Millmead lock. We'd gone through it fine. Sheena stayed to close the gates, and I tried to tie up at the layby. I had time to get the stern rope on, but the bow got caught by the current, and swung out too far for me to pull it back with the center line. Gahhhhh! Took me five minutes of manoeuvring to sort it out. Embarrassingly wedged across the river at one point. Thankfully nobody saw it, heh. Strong current around the Hireboat base. Which must be quite nervy and unsettling for first time hirers.
We've stopped at Shalford water meadows overnight. A nice wide open space, that mister will enjoy sniffing around. We're tied up under a willow. Sadly, the peachy mooring spots were all occupied with cheese.
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