Our second day in "The Vale of the White Horse".

The sun came out strong, the annoying wind dropped, and Abingdon was bathed in 'picture postcard loveliness'. It looked the way it appears in tourist brochures. There were boats of every size, shape and description cruising up and down the river. And everybody had a smile on their face.

In the afternoon, we strolled upstream a bit, to scope out the next lock we'll have to go through, and bumped into Roy, from hotel barge
'Baglady'. He was busy attempting a spot of impromptu DIY, but stopped when he saw us, and kindly made us a cup of tea. We all enjoyed a nice sit down, and chatted with him and Sue for a couple of hours in the early evening sunshine.

One handy tip he gave us for our journey up to Lechlade, was to get a long pole, and put a flag on it. This is so that fast moving cruisers can see us coming around bends, and they will have plenty of time to react, slow down, or take evasive action. We have a Devon flag we've been meaning to find a use for. And Chas got us a 12ft extendable paint pole for our satellite dish. Sorted.
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