bang bang bang" on the roof at 7.30am. Thankfully, I was awake and dressed. When I went outside there was a smiling estate worker, not an outraged mooring owner. He clearly thought it was funny, when he politely informed us that we were on a private mooring. Explained our situation, offered apologies, and told him we wouldn't be seen again. Everything fine. Turned ourselves around, closer to the weir edge than I would have liked, but we didn't wedge ourselves up against the pylons, and we were on our way within 20 minutes from first getting 'the knock'. Thankyou Mapledurham.

Enjoyed a lovely and sunny early morning cruise upriver, without a puff of wind, or a ripple on the water. Passed lots of shiny narrowboats at Pangbourne meadow, with their 'several thousand pounds' paint jobs. Respect to the owners, but I'm glad that dogma can just be touched up with a paintbrush. Steering such boats in and out of locks must be a nightmare. Speaking of which, we found
Whitchurch lock easy to negotiate. It was the smallest rise we've been through yet, so lassoing the bollards was a doddle.

When we got to Beale Park, we tied ourselves up behind Sue & Vic (Nb 'No Problem') and had a quick chat, before they departed off upstream to 'Idontknow'. I think that's where Sue said they heading for, anyway. Sumo got his first chance in a while to leap off the boat and run around like an idiot. Lucy enjoyed winding him up, and thankfully he behaved himself, by not jumping straight into the river.
Peter (Wb 'Big Baloo') gave us a call to let us know his bowthrusters were fixed. It was a simple job in the end. A spade connector had come adrift, and gone un-noticed. Good news, and a large repair bill he's managed to avoid.

Enjoying the sunshine.