The sun is out. And so is Mister "Golden Quay", with his boat. He pitched up and plonked himself on our mooring. When he'd moved off, the marina moved us back to our place. He came back downstream 10 minutes later, and said "I'm going to breast up next to you overnight. Is that alright?". "No, it isn't, We pay for this mooring and I don't consent to you moving across my boat, or leaving it there all night", I replied. His face flushed with anger, and while I went to phone Peter the marina manager to come and get him off my back, he and his wife continued to harangue me, and upset Sheena. "You're on the thames, you should abide by the laws", was one comment thrust in our direction. He then accused us of "never moving", and "living on a public mooring for six months".
I asked him to show me the signs where it says "free public mooring", and he exploded, "You've been sat over there, on a 'no mooring' spot all afternoon". Which is true, as a working boat had needed the jetty, and the marina had put us there. After which, he'd turned up, and we were unable to move ourselves back.
Peter explained to him, "The marina has an obligation to provide a certain amount of berths for public mooring". And continued, "if the jetty is occupied, please come and see the marina staff, and we will find somewhere else for you". (all of which was explained to him, when he tried pulling the same stunt last summer). He grumbled. And moored himself in the empty space in front of us.
Ten o clock this morning, him, his wife, and his whiny kids, all took off. But now he is back again.
Peter says he doesn't like Narrowboaters. With an attitude like that, I expect many narrowboaters don't like him, either. Thankfully, I stood my ground, and he had to move elsewhere. His face was red, and his voice angry and raised. "How dare somebody have the audacity to challenge me?!!". Well, I'm glad I did. He's a bully, with no consideration for other people. I also resented his implication that we are freeloaders. "He only sees what he wants to see", was one comment in the pub, when I relayed the tale to local boaters. "Obnoxious Knob", was another, from somebody else, who had encountered him before.