Friday 16 April 2010

Sound of Silence

You tied it up like the Titanic!

Peter liked my no-nonsense style of mooring.
But they favour a quick release method here..

for quick release
Enjoyed another beautifully sunny day. Made all the more so, because all flights are grounded in the UK, and there are no contrails cluttering up the sky. Can't remember when I last heard no noise from planes. At all. Probably won't ever hear or see it ever again. Truly remarkable.

Painted the well deck in the morning. And went for a nice bimble across the river in the afternoon. The only low spot was when Sumo decided he'd eat and roll in every piece of poo he found. Took chuckie ring, but he wasn't interested. Even a dunk in the river didn't shift it, so had to use the Dry foam shampoo. He's now asleep and snoring on the couch.

I had pork spare ribs and beans for tea, accompanied by charlotte potatoes drizzled with chives and butter. Oh, and the Atlantis 42's finally started it's journey up to Scotland on the back of a bigass truck. Didn't take any pictures, because it wasn't that exciting. Just another monument to an overly rich man's ego. At least the Big Baloo gets his daylight back now.

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