These statues, whose poses are modelled on the original Olympians, are watching over the rowing museum forecourt. They're to commemorate the 1000s of hours that Steve Redgrave and Matthew Pinsent put into rowing up and down the Thames. The plaque said "In the clothes they would wear to the river".
Goodbye Henley. Hello Marsh Lock..
The female lock keeper on duty was very friendly and helpful. Her favourite dogs are cocker spaniels. but we won't hold that against her. Saw her yesterday at Hambledon lock, where she was also very friendly and helpful. Thankyou Lock Lady.
Out onto the Wargrave/Shiplake reach. Which was a very pleasant cruise in the sunshine, with just enough of a breeze to make it even more pleasant. Felt no great need to trundle along at anything more than tickover.
A newly constructed Postmodern shoebox, with it's own boathouse. Enjoying river views. Situated 'near Henley'. I'll leave it up to your imagination to consider the price.
awwwww..... Shiplake. Picture postcard lovely. The 24 hour moorings across the river were all empty, and appeared well tended. A beautiful and tranquil spot for an overnight. But not tonight.
We think this is Paul Daniels's house. Though he's probably dissapeared himself to Dubai, because we've never seen anybody there, when we've passed. The upstairs curtains have always been drawn. Today they were open. Tada!! But, alas, still no sign of Paul and Debbie.
Shiplake lock was a doddle. Again, the lock keeper was very helpful in making sure that I was alongside safely. So far, I haven't had to climb up any slippery steps on this trip. And I'm very grateful for the work that they do. Topped up the water tank at the services just past the lock, and then out onto Sonning reach...
Guess what Mister found when we were out walking?
Sunset over Sonning.
Spiderland? The little bugs are back. Though thankfully, most of them are still on the outside. But now there are dozens of spiders (within six hours of tieing up) to combat the invading horde.
1 hour ago
Hey Ken,
ReplyDeletegood to see you back on the water! where are you heading to? Are you staying on the Thames for winter?
Matilda and I have just (4 weeks ago) had our daughter, she is called Eva Luna Anne (Luna as she was born on a full moon)
Hope you got the little pamphlet I sent.
Hi Graham. Congratulations to you and Matilda. Where am I heading to? Probably staying on the Sonning reach until Sheena can join us. Got a friend coming up from Devon for a jolly, too. Wintering at Bourne end again, because the train station is convenient for Sheena to shuttle up and down to her mums. Abingdon lock is closed from November until march, so will probably head off downstream again, until that reopens. I did get the "going it alone" booklet, Thankyou. Some interesting things in tthere, although the sections on locking are a bit over my head. The Thames ones are all button operated, as you know. But it was a nice confidence booster, and very much appreciated. Cheers....