Oh well, it had to end, sometime. Our unbroken run of free summer mooring spots finally ended at 9am in Maidenhead yesterday. A very polite gentleman knocked on the roof, apologised for waking us up, and (in exchange for money) gave us this..
Nowhere at all to stop at Cliveden islands, because they were completely stuffed with boaters out enjoying the summer sunshine and picnicing. Lunchtime was probably a dumb time for us to cruise through there, and expect to be able to find a 54ft space. But the journey was fun, in itself.
Popped into 'The Bounty' for a quick pint, and ended up doing an overnight at Bourne End marina. Peter the marine manager kindly shuffled boats around for us, so that we could squeeze in. Which we did, just about..

Alan & Sue (M/v 'Latitude') graciously let us moor up on the inside of them, so that we could hoist Sumo off of the front deck easier. Even though this meant they'd have to clamber on and off over our roof, in the wet. We're all very grateful.

Bumped into Peter (Wb 'Big Baloo'), who was just visiting, and was happy to bring him up to date with our travels so far. Funny to think, that this time last year, we were wary and trepidatious about setting off into the unknown for the first time. Thanks for taking us out, and teaching us how to steer, Peter. Much appreciated.

Bourne End has some lovely country and riverside walks, which we all enjoy very much.