The new taps are connected, in the kitchen and toilet. The antique shower pump has been changed for a proper 'whale gulper' (which can handle toenails and long hair). The shower works. The gas heating for the hot water system works. But the water was coming out brown.
The water tank was the only place we haven't inspected, cleaned, or checked out. Mainly because it's hidden away in the well deck, underneath a big bolted down chunk of steel. And secondly, because cleaning it out is one of the worst jobs on a boat.
This is what it looked like when we lifted the lid...

I think it'll be two or three days filthy work with an angle grinder, and copious amounts of rust converter. We're investigating the option of a plastic liner, so our drinking water doesn't have to sit next to the hull all the time. Not exactly a job i'm looking forward to, especially with my experience of the bilge and gas lockers. But I'm glad we've discovered the state of the tank, before we set off into the wild.
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