Birthday Boy |
Lil Ols |
It's different having two dogs. In some respects, more work, and in others, less. They're both been quite content to bimble about on walks, and aren't hassling me to chuck something for them every two minutes. They are both well behaved on the boat, seemingly aware of how much space they have to run around and go nuts in. Olly is past the "zooming up and down at 100mph" stage, and seems to love his moving home. They've both taken to sleeping on our bed, which is a bit of a squeeze. But also, pretty cosy and snug when the temperature has dipped to subzero.
We're spoilt for choice of excellent walks around Bourne End, but the one we do most days, is past
Winter Hill. It's an iron age settlement, with tumuli and wide open meadows (where Amy Johnston was able to land her plane). The boy's recall is excellent with the whistle. And I'm currently amusing myself by teaching them to respond to their names in morse code. (B for Bryn and O for Olly).
For heat, we've been using the ever reliable homefire ovals. With an assortment of softwood and hardwood kiln dried logs, which (extremely fortunately) we can get delivered to the boat. We haven't been cold. Our morso stove is fitted with a backburner boiler, which feeds two radiators and 53ft of copper pipe. Everywhere is toasty and warm. Being able to heat the whole of the boat from a single heat source is undeniably, one of the best things ever. No sign of damp or fustiness, anywhere. If we ever do get ourselves another boat to live on, a gravity fed heating system is a must have.
Anyway, We're all enjoying winter. And I hope you are, too.