Sunday, 6 July 2014

Today I saw...

1 massive Hornet
37 grumpy fishermen
3 Kingfishers
2 Breasts
1 Happy fisherman

We've made it up past Iffley lock, and are tucked up for the evening, just past the riverside pub that doesn't like boats. Sandford lock seemed much smaller and less formidable this time through it. I stood on the roof holding the centre line. No flow on the river, so the whole journey was a gentle bimble. Didn't rain, either. bonus.


  1. AnonymousJuly 07, 2014

    Do you think that the 1 hornet made the 37 fishermen grumpy? Or the 2 breasts made the other fisherman happy?


  2. Hi Alistair. Nuneham to Oxford is 'the grumpy fisherman reach'. My mistake, for coming through there on a sunday. They've taken to using those huge poles that reach 1/2 way across the river, and any boat at all seems to make them even grumpier.

    the lone happy fisherman, was not connected with the breasts, alas, no. they belonged to a hireboater who forgot about curtains.

    the hornet. jeez... it was the length of two euro hornets. bigger than my thumb. thankfully, just the one.


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