Cruised ourselves up to Marlow, to purchase some brown sugar cubes. Had the river to ourselves, until we reached the lock, when 4 boats came piling out at top speed. 2 holiday cruiser boats were trying to overtake 2 Narrowboats. They were so far across the river, we had to take evasive action. The owners of the narrowboats smiled, and rolled their eyes, in a "what can you do?" type of resignation.

Happily for us, we didn't run into the bushes, and the free 24 hour visitor moorings were almost vacant. We were able to find a lovely spot next to a convenient bench. Last time we came this way, they were overstuffed with massive holiday boats, causing a bit of tension for people queueing to enter the lock.

We found the required condiments, and pootled ourselves back to Bourne End at just over tickover. Got overtaken by some canoeists who'd snuck up behind us. Managed to moor up without even bumping the boat next to us. So, another enjoyable day out. Sumo liked sniffing around Marlow park, too.
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