Blake's underwater primer?
Hmmm... I'm glad this isn't our boat.
"What's that?", I asked. "I've never seen anyone do that before". Tony says "It will add another 10 years of life to the hull", and Peter says "It's better than Red Oxide".
But there is still rust underneath it!
It's another two years until we need to black our bottom again. But when we do, we're definitely using Vactan.
At this time of year, you struggle a bit to get it to harden. But when it does, it converts the rust. Gone. And that's what increases the hull life, surely?
Paco Systems (the people who make Vactan) are also based in Newton Abbot. So we're very happy to be able to support a Devon business. Just ordered ourselves another 5 litres for next season.
In fairness to the Marina, Richie did a lovely job on the blacking. It all looks very smooth. Freezing cold day, too. Respect to him.
3 hours ago
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