Forgot to mention... Out walking, on the way to Spade Oak, tucked away behind an old Lychgate, we discovered Noddy's House! "The Old Thatch", where Enid Blyton used to live. In the summer, the Gardens are open to the public, but it costs four pounds to view them. So we peeped in over the hedge.
No sign of Big Ears.
Perhaps he's moved on.
It's a lovely old thatched building. Very large, and imposing. More a 'saxon hall' than 'quaint cottage'. A book review of the property says that it used to be a seventeenth century inn, previously called the "Rose and Crown". It also says that a lot of her 'mystery' stories were set in and around Bourne End, but she added fictional placenames.

Old Thatch ~ Book Review

Nice one, Enid. Lucky You.
Thanks for the stories.
Especially, Noddy.
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