Peter, the manager at Bourne End marina, has kindly let us dump 'dogma' there for a month, until we know which way our posteriors are pointing. So, I'm down in Dorset, helping Sheena out. Feels a bit weird to be in a house again, without the river outside the windows. A year and a half since I was last in one. I suppose, they do have their compensations, like baths and instant hot water. But anyway, I digress..
Our good friend Adam came and helped me move the boat downstream, when it eventually stopped raining. Culham lock seemed to have been on red boards forever. But thankfully, the stream restrictions were lifted, the sun came out, and we could get on our way again. The current was still a bit 'lively' when we set off, but nothing that an old dog like myself couldn't handle. We were blessed with some of the nicest weather this summer. It only rained/hailed once, when we were tied up in the bushes at Wallingford. Here's Ad, doing the "i" crossword at Beale Park..
On our way down to Reading, we spotted 4 blogging boats in a row. Nb 'Rock & Roll', Nb 'Seyella', Nb 'Moore2Life' and Nb 'Derwent6'. (sorry no photos).
At Reading, we bumped into Dave (Nb 'Chavori') and Nick & Panda (Mv 'Freya'), where we had an impromptu boater's banter. Which was very nice. At Sonning, we stopped off to visit Chas (Nb 'Long White Cloud'), who helped us fix our fuel filter problem. He'd also made us a Labrador tiller pin, which I stupidly didn't photograph before coming away. Thanks Chas..
At Marlow, we stopped for an overnight at Higginson Park, and were mugged for £11. More expensive than Henley! The first time we've ever been charged there. "You can have a free shower at the Gym, if you like", said the smiling muggess. So, we won't be stopping there again. Ten minutes upstream, there's a perfectly nice free mooring spot at Temple Lock.
Took Ad down to Cliveden, so we could both enjoy a nice leisurely wander around the woods and paths that just drip history...
Tied up at the Marina the next morning, and caught the train down to Devon. Next to two children who didn't stop wailing for the whole journey. How lovely.
When I was sat at Basingstoke station with Sumo, a young man with askew baseball cap and opened tinnie asked me.. "Do you need any money, or anything?". He thought that because I was sat on the ground and looked a bit scruffy, that I was homeless. Bless him.
So, that's me for the month of August. Of course, I would much rather be boating, but needs must, when the flip flops. I hope all our readers & followers are well. Regards... Ken & Sheena.
Downtown Medieval Village
9 hours ago
Hi son glad tohear that your getting some decent weather at last,sorry to hear you have to leave the boat for a while but these things happen, hope all is well with Sheena and her mum, give her our love. dad lesleyann.
ReplyDeleteHi dad. Seems we got the best of it. It's rainy and grey down here, and reading other boaters blogs, they are not cruising in sunshine either. Bit of a bad year all round, really.